There Is No Magic Pill…Trust Me I Looked

1 Apr

There is not a magic pill that will help you lose weight and keep it off.  Yes, I did a “diet” in the early stages of my journey that was shakes, protein, bars, and veggies.  Here is what was different about how I treated this program compared to people looking for a pill to fix their problem…fyi I used to be one of those people looking for magic unicorn dust to shake on the french fries to make the weight fall off (thanks CrossFit Mom).  The difference is that I knew what I was doing with the shakes was not long term.  I treated that “diet” as a short term detox/reset of my diet and hoped that it would jump start my weight loss.  I was strict on it for 3 months and the months there after I slowly reintroduced more clean foods back into my diet until I was simply eating a healthy and clean diet.

The fact is I have lost weight over the last 9 months because I cut the crap food out of my diet.  I broke a viscous overeating cycle.  I somehow severed the emotional food ties that bound me in a FatChick body for so many years.  I get off my butt regularly and workout.  I am not done losing weight, and I will reach my goal because I eat healthy foods, I eat quantities that satisfy me,  and I workout.

This is not directed at anyone in particular, I just hate seeing people getting invested and hopeful about a product that is not going to do anything for you.  You have to do it yourself.  It is hard and at times it sucks…bad.  It is just the way it is.  The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can help yourself to make real progress.

Anyone you look at who has had long term weight loss success, regardless of the diet, supplement, pill or surgery they utilized, the common thread is real change in diet and exercise.  Anything less will result in temporary results.  Take it from me the former yo-yo queen.

This yo-yo is broken, done, out of commission   I won’t go back, and only staying strong about eating healthy and working out is going to allow me to keep my word.

Stay Strong and Keep Moving,


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